Members obviously liked the idea of having a gathering time at 6:30 to have coffee, chat, and browse the library. I got there before 6:30 to set up the library and quite a few were already there.
More and more pieces mounded up on the show-and-tell table and I just knew it was going to be a good night. It was!
Our program was a number of demos which we rotated through. There was Debbie who showed us her many, many favorite quilting sites. If you missed her handout, check for Jill's email where you can get a copy of it.
Bonnie demonstrated a great way to do prairie points.
Jill showed a way to do half square triangles.
It's totally a great method because it doesn't waste fabric
and can easily be chain stitched.
Donna W. showed how to do the magic reversible binding.
I missed getting a photo, but Michele had a couple of go-to books on rotary cutting and calculations.
It must be the retired teacher in me, but I can get pretty excited about handouts and there were good ones to take home.
And then it was on to show-and-tell. I recommend you jump up and make yourself a cup of tea, because you are going to be sitting at your computer for awhile devouring this eye candy!
Bonnie brought this scrappy quilt which is going to be a donation to the hospital. She practised various quilting patterns on it and they are beautiful.
Marlene created this incredible piece where the colors flow one to the next.
Terry's superb quilting added another marvelous element.
Brenda C. showed the project she completed from Jan's class.
Look at this great quilt Rose made!
Here's the back to show Terry's quilting at its finest.
Barb, I apologize for getting this with your eyes downcast. You showed the piece so quickly that I didn't get another photo until you were on to your next project. This is one of Barb's UFOs and it will be great to use in October. Great fabric! Great appique!
Here's one Barb can use before October.
But here's the true beauty of what she showed. Love the pattern for this quilt and I love the choice of fabrics.
Vera is back from her travels down south. She made this cool purse. I wonder how many quilted purses and bags she has in her collection.
She made this ABC quilt to try out
a longarm quilting machine in AZ|
Leona had a lovely display of the Carpenter's Wheel quilts she has completed. They got us all excited for the class Jill is teaching on Saturday.
And Sharynne has joined our cult!
Ethel showed a number of cuddly baby/toddler quilts made of flannel.
Elaine made this quilt with many, many curves. Lovely!
when they can think in circular?
I've always loved this pattern, especially when it's Marg
who selected the fabrics.

Audrey has kindly made this memory quilt out of shirts for a friend whose father passed away. She talked about how difficult it was to make because of the fabrics being different weights. We don't envy our grandmothers who made quilts out of worn clothing, etc.
And then Audrey showed this bouquet and I wondered if she had confused us with her flower-arranging guild.
I also made a Disappearing Nine Patch with some "loud" charm packs that I got on sale at Walmart. Finn loves the colors! Do you?

Whew! We all should have been exhausted after so much inspiration, but no one wanted to leave. Leona gave an impromptu lesson on how she does her quilting designs.
Ethel showed a number of cuddly baby/toddler quilts made of flannel.
Elaine made this quilt with many, many curves. Lovely!
Eileen showed her completed runner from the quilt-as-you-go class. I should have taken a photo of the back as it is yellow and the reversible binding lets that side of the binding be yellow.
She also showed this vibrant piece.
Marg showed her items very quickly - so quickly that she was already heading back to the table with this one before I clicked the camera.
Why do quilters think in squares and rectangles when they can think in circular?
I've always loved this pattern, especially when it's Marg
who selected the fabrics.
But here is her stunning show stopper!
Her granddaughter is going to love it.
I should mention that Terry from Torquay (lovely alliteration!!) quilted this and a number of the other pieces shown. Her quilting on each is exquisite. What would we do without her?
Jaynie has been creating art which reflects a visit to the Middle East. She will be visiting relatives there again this year.
Look at her details. I should have got a close-up of her starry night sky.
Stunning work, Jaynie.
Michele did incredible quilting on this patchwork.
And this convergence quilt of Michele's reminds me of Central Park.Audrey has kindly made this memory quilt out of shirts for a friend whose father passed away. She talked about how difficult it was to make because of the fabrics being different weights. We don't envy our grandmothers who made quilts out of worn clothing, etc.
And then Audrey showed this bouquet and I wondered if she had confused us with her flower-arranging guild.
Nope! If you look closely, you'll see that some of the "flowers" are bibs, onesies, socks, etc. What a terrific baby gift.
Lyn Booth, I have made a couple of bags using NYC fabrics and the New York Beauty pattern. You and I are going to stuff them full of fabrics at City Quilter. Credit cards, beware!!
I also made a Disappearing Nine Patch with some "loud" charm packs that I got on sale at Walmart. Finn loves the colors! Do you?
Whew! We all should have been exhausted after so much inspiration, but no one wanted to leave. Leona gave an impromptu lesson on how she does her quilting designs.
Donna L. has her squares cut and ready to go for Jill's class.
Are yours cut?
I won't be at the next meeting so you have to hope Christa and Tracey from Torquay are there and blog it. The Gathering of the Guilds is my favorite meeting of the year and I'm going to miss it! Boo!!
But there was news at this meeting to cheer me up. Note these dates on your calendar:
Happy stitching, everyone.
Wow - Great job everyone!! Love seeing all the creativity!
ReplyDeleteLots and lots of good stuff, Girls!