Before we get to more quilting, let me tell you that Bob and I are spending Easter week in one of our favorite places on earth: New York City. You might wonder what we have left to see, but, trust me, we have barely scratched the surface in our previous trips there. We have five Broadway shows booked and hope to squeeze in a couple more. We have a trip to Ellis Island booked and I have a notebook filled with tiny writing that gives places we want to see, things we want to do, and fun cafes we want to try. If you want to follow along, I'm going to blog it at
Now on with the show ...
Marlene showed us this gadget she bought at the Minot Quilt Show. It looks like an old-fashioned men's razor, but its purpose is to quickly rip stitches ... not that any of us would need such a gadget, right?

A couple more strip-twist quilts were profiled, and we marveled at how versatile this pattern is. Each quilt is so different. Are any of the rest of you completing yours in time for the quilt show?
Don't forget that our quilt show is April 20th and 21st at the curling rink. Your pieces should be dropped off on April 19th by noon. If you can help with the set-up that day starting at 9a.m., it would be much appreciated. Encourage your spouse or partner to come too ... a great opportunity for "quality couples' time." ;o)
And don't forget that we have a guest quilter: Wayne Kollinger of Calgary. His trunk show is Friday, April 20th at 8:30. The cost is $10 and you can pre-buy your ticket for this from Gloria.
I've been typing the entry forms for the show and that has made me excited ... very excited, indeed ... for our show. There are going to be so many terrific entries.
Speaking of entries, if you haven't got yours to me, it is almost never too late. (Well, obviously April 22nd would be too late!) You can drop the write-ups for your entries in my mailbox any time before April 19th. The more entries we have, the stronger our show is.
And now back to the good stuff, more show-and-tell from last night:
Here are the two strip-twist quilts that were shown last night. The first is Colleen S's, the second is Lydia's.

Helen made this cosy quilt which is partly minkie.

Marlene created this marvelous quilt. When you see it at the show, check out Terry's superior quilting. I've got a photo of it here, but the photo doesn't do it justice. Marlene, your quilt is superb.

Adeline made this placemat and, you can't see it here, but the decorative stitch at the binding finished the piece perfectly. There are a few placemats entered in the show. Will we have enough to do a whole section?

Jan made this t-shirt quilt for her granddaughter. It's a blend of t-shirts and quotes which her granddaughter found to reflect the work she does in many places overseas.

Marlene created this growth chart from a Chi Chi pattern. Like a kid, I was drooling over it and picking my favorite ballerina animal. Mine is the zebra ... what's yours?

Lydia made this bargello baby quilt from a pattern at Peachtree. Now you may not be able to spot an error, but Lydia explained there is one. The error? She's found out her next grandchild is going to be a girl! Luckily Peachtree has the kit in pinks too.

Barb H. created this butterfly and dragonfly quilt which you can investigate more closely at the show. For some reason, my photos from last night aren't showing true colors. This is a cheery, beautiful lap quilt.

Here is Bonnie's entry for the charm pack challenge. She learned to make prairie points while working on this vibrant quilt.

Bonnie's postcard was the grand finale of our show-and-tell. She had a blast at Jaynie's class and suggested that Jaynie might run another class in the fall which will be a continuation of this.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, all the guild positions for the next two years were filled last night. Thanks to all the ladies who stepped forward to fill executive positions and committee head positions. I'll tell you all of them in May, but here are three you will want to know right now. Donna Wolfe will be president, Marg Stewart will be secretary, and Elaine Douglas will be treasurer. Thanks, ladies. We all will help you make it a great two years.
I like looking at what your guild is working on...great for inspiration!!