Lydia showed the top of our raffle quilt. Seven members worked last Saturday and Monday to put together this wonderful Oriental top. Alma is getting it to Terry tomorrow to be quilted. Tickets will be ready by our next meeting and the draw will be made at our quilt show.
Then it was time for show-and-tell. Never hire me to be a psychic; I'd fail you miserably! I thought there would be limitless show-and-tell as everyone is finishing projects to put in the show. In fact, there were four pieces.
Helen made this rag quilt.
We all know Helen's love of gadgets which make quilters' lives easier. Here is a thread cutter she showed. (She showed it right side up, but I am showing it sideways. Forgive me!)
Lydia created this lovely brown and pink quilt.
Terry did a super job of longarm quilting it. She never lets any of us down, does she?
Lydia also created this cheerful bug and flowers quilt which will make a special child smile.

Barb has this romantic hanging ready for Valentine's Day.
After show-and-tell some had time to discuss the strip/twist blocks. How many of us will have those quilts completed for the show?
We also had time to sign up for the various quilt show jobs. All of you ladies who couldn't attend tonight, never fear, we left jobs for you. You can sign up at the next meeting.
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