First of all, check out my two models, Gloria and Shelley, proudly showing our quilt show poster and the tickets to our raffle quilt. If you want to sell tickets before our next meeting (and I know you do!), contact Gloria.

Here are Dorothy and Lynne showing the members the completed raffle quilt. We can all be proud of it and sell diligently so that this fundraiser is a success.

Terry Whitman longarm quilted it for us and, of course, did a gorgeous job. Anyone want to set up a pool with everyone guessing how many quilts in our show will have been quilted by Terry!

During show-and-tell Carrie showed this great tablerunner she made during the beginners' class. Carrie, be sure to enter it in the show as one of the charm pack challenge items.

Show-and-tell may not have been plentiful, but it was inspiring. The next 3 quilts, respectively by Marg, Jaynie, and Debbie are all the same pattern: the strip-twist which Jill and Colleen S. taught. I bet there will be even more made from this pattern at the quilt show so I think we'll need a special section just for them. Don't you love how the same pattern can look so different.

Adeline made these potholders which led to her and I having a conversation about what makes the best batting in potholders. I say it's two layers of denim.

Here Leona is admiring a quilt which Helen's grandson made. Quilting definitely runs in her family!

Helen brought some demos of the 10-minute-block which is rampant on the internet right now. If you are interested, you can find very good youtube videos on how to construct these blocks.

Vera, Joanne, and I brought our bags to show.

At coffee time, I spotted Jaynie and Colleen S. eyeing the cover of the latest
Canadian Quilter. Neither of them would be daunted to try the cover pattern.

Marlene and Joanne chatted as they looked over the show-and-tell once more. You can see other guild members in the background madly signing up to help at the quilt show. If you haven't signed up yet, don't worry; there will be lots of jobs to do.
Many handed in their entries for the quilt show. If you haven't or if you did but now realize you want to enter more, you can email the entries to me (Brenda) or bring them to the next meeting. My life will be simpler if you email them to me.

Sadly, for us, Karen Young is leaving us to start a new chapter of her life back in Ontario. Karen has done so much for this guild including being treasurer for some years. We'll miss you, Karen, and we hope that you will email us photos of your future quilting endeavors.

Speaking of Karen's time as treasurer, we are so grateful to her and others who have held executive positions through the years of our guild's existence. Is it your turn to be president, treasurer, or secretary? All three of these positions need to be filled for next year and YOU are the perfect person to fill one of them. There is plenty of past experience to draw from if you need help as you take on one of these positions. Don't be nervous! You can do it! If you are interested .... please, please, please be interested .... contact Bonnie to let her know your intentions.
In case you missed it, I posted a blog entry just before this one about a quilt show in Tombstone, AZ and a quilt retreat in Mesa, AZ.